Simply Jonathan

Matthew Panzerino reporting on Apple’s new Pro Workflow Team 

An interesting report, but I kept wondering about this:

Apple decided to go a step further and just begin hiring these creatives directly into Apple

What do these people actually work on? The story makes it clear it’s not Hollywood stuff (because they’re understandably hesitant to bring that work in to Apple), but then what? Does nothing actually come out of this and are these just the world’s most expensive testers?

Dr. Drang on Apple’s scheduled alert systems 

This is amazing.

I appreciate that many of these products are probably maintained by somewhat disparate departments, but the lack of consistency in how things such as iCloud synching and cleanup act could probably do with some cohesion.

And Siri’s off-by-6 bug is Hall of Fame–worthy.

Big Tablets Are Coming 

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Evan Miller on an in his opinion obviously imminent future with big tablets as the form factor of choice for professionals, primarily focussing on the shortcomings of mouse pointers:

The mouse pointer was designed for a 9″ screen, not a 29″ one.

It’s an intriguing argument, especially the serious considerations of styli (cue “They blow it” quote from Steve Jobs). I think there could be something here. (Even if I have historically been swayed by Apple’s arguments about the tiring of arms, the angle at which you can use a Surface Studio should help with that.)

The Streets Synger Dansk 

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Det er en gammel nyhed, men eftersom jeg købte “Everything is Borrowed” i går, er min interesse blevet fornyet. Og Mike Skinners danske udtale er yderst imponerende, selvom han ikke synger så meget.

Ulrik Laursen: Brøndby ikke København 

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Dette er bare så ubeskriveligt dumt at jeg slet ikke kan sætte ord på. (Selvom jeg forsøgt en del på bold.snak.)

Abekat: Snegl og Skildpadde 

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Hyggelig og sjov. Vældig godt eksempel på nogle af MSN Messengers fuldstændigt åndssvage emoticons.

Gamle danske ord 

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En fantastisk samling af ord der er gået tabt.

(Via Bromer)

Don Ø i Brøndby-trøje 

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Det må man give ham — det er virkelig noget at gøre i en god sags tjeneste.

BT gør i øvrigt hvad de kan for at understrege at det ikke er en aprilsnar, så jeg tror dem. Fed gestus af manden på toppen af PS&E.

Thomas Buttenschøn – Hjerter Dame

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Gør alt jeg kan for at elske det banale Ville da gerne redde den tredje verden, men har lidt travlt med min kabale.

TV-2 – Helt Alene

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Han var […] rastløs som en satellit.

This is Simply Jonathan, a blog written by Jonathan Holst. It's mostly about technical topics (and mainly the Web at that), but an occasional post on clothing, sports, and general personal life topics can be found.

Jonathan Holst is a programmer, language enthusiast, sports fan, and appreciator of good design, living in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe. He is also someone pretentious enough to call himself the 'author' of a blog. And talk about himself in the third person.