Link Archive
mxGraph →
Graphs in javascript. Cool.
Writing a WordPress Plugin – Part 1 at Nybble Labs →
Might come in handy at work
PL Authors →
A list of project language-authors. Not complete, but cool, though.
Multiple-Themed Windows XP CSS Desktop v1.0 | →
Underground II (deeper underground) →
The classical windows screensaver implemented in javascript and css. Cool.
Elastic tabstops – the solution to the tabs-versus-spaces issue →
Brilliant idea. This should be an option implemented in all editors.
FavIcon from Pics — favicon.ico for your website →
A tool for converting images into favicons.
TV themes →
Oh, nostalgia. Need I say I have a new ringtone on my cellphone?
Tween (from Flash) in javascript. Nifty for doing animation kinda things.