This knowledge of course became apparent in some circles one and a half years ago, when John Gruber used it incorrectly.
Actually, to someone like me — a native speaker of the Danish language, in this case — ‘wherefore’ meaning ‘why’ is quite obvious: it’s the exact same in Danish.
In Danish, ‘why’ is called ‘hvorfor’, which quite literally translates into ‘wherefore’. (‘Hvor’ meaning ‘where’, and ‘for’ meaning… ‘for’.)
But in general, I’m all for a good language lesson.
John August on why joining the Writers Guild of America is mandatory for selling a script in Hollywood.
Of course, John does not make the real case for why unions matter, in discussing only the WGA, but he gives some of the reasons. Mainly that if there weren’t unions, workers would be fucked.
(And in USA, many are. The unions of the States have historically been very poor, at least compared to many countries in Europe. I did a rather extensive paper on this once, and it was very sad to find out how bad it is in the state.)
Although some of these are a little stupid, there are some real gems amongst.
(Via Kottke)
John Resig‘s guide on how to file a proper browser bug. Unfortunately, I’m one of those people John Resig lament over, having never filed a bug report in my life.
Although aimed at clients, there’s sound advice for anyone involved with copy-writing on the Web. Great guide, and one that will hopefully turn into a resource to be reckoned with in time.
Sound advice, and — as is quite uncommon for these kind of documents, which are not stored in a blog — designed. It looks nice.
A list by Jon Hobbs-Smith with some truly excellent tips amongst. Really a showcase of how flexible and well thought-out jQuery is.
Part of Ben Orenstein’s Damn Useful Tips series. As it so happens, this is damn useful for me; I constantly forget to type sudo (or svn, which is a little weird) in front of the command I’m about to run.
A resource on all things related to building typographic grids. Built by Antonio Carusone of AisleOne fame.
All operations are performed using this screen.
No kidding. I’d say every computing operation can be achieved using that screen.
(Via Daring Fireball.)