Simply Jonathan

Archive for December 2007


(This post is in Danish)

En af de ting jeg hader ved at dansk er blevet englificeret, er, at man er begyndt at bruge flertalsformer som ental. Nogle siger “en muffins” og folk siger endda “en CD’er”, selvom ‘er er den danske flertalsform.

Design View / Andy Rutledge – Killing Some Bad Layout Conventions 

Web (should have) killed the columns

TV-2 – Randers Station

(This post is in Danish)

Der er kun mig,
Og jeg gælder ikke for nogen.

John Lennon – Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

The Old days and Primitivism

James Bennett:

We like to think of people like the ancient Egyptians as fairly primitive folks

This reminds me of the philosophy class I took last year. In the start of the year we discussed Socrates, and some were incredibly impressed with how far he seemed to have gotten in cultural development. I didn’t say it out loud, but I thought to myself that, if they wanted to view it that way, they should instead be talking about why we haven’t gotten further. You can’t look back admiring how far ahead they were (unless, of course, you’re comparing them to people of their time, but this wasn’t the point of my classmates’ argument); you can merely observe the fact that we haven’t developed more.

Queens of the Stone Age – Make It With Chu

Sometimes the same is different,
But mostly it’s the same

Liberalismens ABC

(This post is in Danish)

Danmarks Radio er fra mange sider blevet beskyldt for at være ræverøde, og selvfølgelig er de det.

Men for noget tid siden oplevede jeg det modsatte; vi havde besøg af nogle familievenner, som har en lille datter på 7–8 år. Jeg blev så sat til at passe hende, og hun foreslog så, at vi kiggede på DR’s Oline side, for de lidt mindre. Det gjorde vi så, og nåede på et tidspunkt til en historie om Nikolaj, en pingvin bosat i en jungle, som fik besøg af en isbjørn. En meget driftig isbjørn, som ville åbne en forretning. Han prøver forskellige forretningsplaner: at sælge varme frakker, palmer og bananer; frakkerne er ingen interesserede i, palmerne kan de få gratis og ligeledes med bananerne. Nikolaj ender med at redde dagen ved at åbne en café med banana splits for den stakkels isbjørn.

Hvis det ikke er basal liberalisme, så ved jeg ikke hvad er.

Depeche Mode – Stripped

Let me hear you make decisions,
Without your television.

This is Simply Jonathan, a blog written by Jonathan Holst. It's mostly about technical topics (and mainly the Web at that), but an occasional post on clothing, sports, and general personal life topics can be found.

Jonathan Holst is a programmer, language enthusiast, sports fan, and appreciator of good design, living in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe. He is also someone pretentious enough to call himself the 'author' of a blog. And talk about himself in the third person.