Rage Against the Machine – Testify
Who controls the past now, controls the future.
Who controls the present now, controls the past.
Who controls the past now, controls the future.
Who controls the present now?
Who controls the past now, controls the future.
Who controls the present now, controls the past.
Who controls the past now, controls the future.
Who controls the present now?
Got to be good looking, because he’s so hard to see.
Yeah, why?
Darren Barefoot has created a little survey asking “why do you blog?“. This could form the base of some interesting knowledge about these reasons. Try it. (You can even win an iPod)
Great compilation of some great CSS techniques
I’m so fed up with the expression “the real world”. First of all, it asserts that there is such a thing as an unreal world — a fake world perhaps — and second, it has no defined meaning.
When I was in base school, I would be told that when I entered the real world, something would happen — the real world being high school.
Now that I’m in high school, the real world means either university or the job market.
And at my job, the real world means my spare time.
Seriously, can’t we collectively settle on calling the things what they are. There’s no need to hide them behind a meaningless term. There’s no need to talk about whatever state you’re in at the moment, as being something unreal. By doing this, we’re merely trying to strive for something in the future, removing all focus and positive things from our current position. That’s neither healthy nor very intelligent.
If you’re talking about anything other than dreams, fiction stories or the likes, you’re talking about the real world. Face it.
I dag har min skole, Vestre Borgerdyd, skiftet navn til Københavns åbne Gymnasium (KG). Dette ses som led i en fornyelsesproces skolen har været i gang med over det seneste stykke tid; der har været heftig udvikling omkring elevrådet og 1. januar overgik alle landets gymnasier som bekendt til statsligt selveje.
Dagen i dag blev brugt på en lidt alternativ måde. Alle eleverne var ude i marken — min egen klasse var på Carlsberg — og derefter var der en reception, med så prominente talere som tidligere elev, Klaus Rifbjerg og journalist ved Dagbladet Information, Georg Metz. Disse snakkede meget om deres respektive skoletid og om hvordan de så KG’s fremtid.
Personligt har jeg et lidt ambivalent forhold til det. Jeg er enormt positiv over den udvikling skolen har været inde i, siden starten af indeværende skoleår, men jeg synes omvendt at navneskiftet til KG er lidt åndssvagt. Ikke fordi jeg ønsker at holde fast i et traditionsrigt navn, for det kunne jeg ikke være mere ligeglad med. Men fordi jeg synes det virker som et lidt letkøbt forsøg på at slippe væk fra de negative associationer mange har med navnet “Vestre Borgerdyd”. Og så fordi jeg synes navnet i sig selv er ret tamt. Dels virker det som en lidt for åbenlys kopi af Det Fri Gymnasium, dels lugter navnet generelt lidt for meget af en marketingsløsning. Jeg er bestemt tilhænger af fremskridt, men jeg synes ikke navnet havde behøvet blive ændret for dette.
Men fra i dag, torsdag d. 18. januar 2007, er jeg elev på Københavns åbne Gymnasium.
Stop. Continue.
This is hilarious… But Danish
I’m not a business man,
I’m a business, man!
This is Simply Jonathan, a blog written by Jonathan Holst. It's mostly about technical topics (and mainly the Web at that), but an occasional post on clothing, sports, and general personal life topics can be found.
Jonathan Holst is a programmer, language enthusiast, sports fan, and appreciator of good design, living in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe. He is also someone pretentious enough to call himself the 'author' of a blog. And talk about himself in the third person.